#23: In The End
#22: Your own happiness
#21: You are the job
#20: Consistency is truly the only bridge between your goals and your successes
#19: Our past mistakes can become the foundation for a future filled with purpose and passion
#18: Limiting yourself.
#17: Don't procrastinate for the perfect time
#16: Hard Work Is Not Overrated
#15: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!
#14: Show Up and Win
#13: Uncomfortable Challenges
#12: Failure, Rejection and Adversity
#11: Leadership is action
#10: There Is Only Really One Hack In Life
#9: Building A Business Is Risky
#8: There Is Someone Who Has It Worse
#7: Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy
#6: You will sacrifice time with friends
#5: Pleasing everybody is an impossible task
#4: Most People Don't Care About You